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How to automate the conversion of incoming emails? Practical examples.

Thu, Jul 14, 2022, 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM CET

Do you need to convert thousands of incoming emails and attachments to a standardized format such as PDF(/A) ?

Manually tracking and processing emails, saving the message and attachments to PDF is a very time-consuming and expensive process.

Today, this does not have to be the case. You can monitor different inboxes and convert emails & attachments automatically.

Watch the recording of our webinar to discover more. 

Key Learnings

  • Simplify your incoming e-mail handling process by simultaneously monitoring multiple inboxes (IMAP, GSuite, Office 365, POP, POP3, Exchange, etc.)
  • Filter and handle emails based on different criteria: subject line, sender, attachment type or many other
  • Eliminate manual steps from your email conversion process

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